Meta Kuwait Customer Service Contact Number

Meta Kuwait Customer Service Contact Number
Meta Kuwait Helpline Number

You can find appropriate solutions to all technical problems and difficulties that you face while registering on the Meta portal or during booking government appointments, by calling the Meta Kuwait Helpline Number on the Meta portal.

Meta Kuwait Customer Service Contact Number

Meta Kuwait Customer Service Contact Number is 164. The responsible team at the Meta portal can help you find appropriate solutions for various problems such as losing your account data, and can also give you the necessary instructions on how to use the portal to book government appointments and how to modify or cancel them. [1]

Meta Portal Contact Information

You can contact the support and assistance team on the Meta portal through the following information:


Calling the technical and technical support team number for the Meta portal helps you get the appropriate solution to any problem you encounter while using the Meta portal, as you must describe the problem accurately to the team, so that they can find the required and appropriate solution for your case.

Questions & Answers

What is Meta portal number?

Meta portal number is 1800164 and 164.

How do I contact Meta?

by calling 1800164 or 164 or by contacting with email: [email protected].

When can I contact Meta Portal?

You can contact 164 on all days of the week during the specified working hours.

How do I contact Meta Portal from outside Kuwait?

You can contact Meta Portal from outside Kuwait via the number 009651800164.

Is Meta portal number free?

Yes, Meta portal number 164 is free.


[1] portal1 Mar 2025